Connetquot State Park Preserve | A Beaver in the River

If you’ve been following last week’s photos on Instagram, you’ll see that despite the overcast weather we went hiking at Connetquot State Park Preserve in Long Island, NY.

We were greeted at the toll booth by a very friendly woman who offered us the parks trail maps as well as a checklist of all the birds that frequent their preserve.  She also informed us that the park’s gate closes automatically at 4pm.  So, we parked to the left of the booth and made our way across the open field.

We began walking along the Green: West Line trail.  This path was sandy and flat which offered an easy straight walk, past a whole lot of dead trees; just remember to look down as to avoid the horse droppings.

The air at the park was filled with many different bird calls.  If you are a birder, this park is perfect for you.  We were able to identity the red winged black bird and saw a few small yellow warblers cross our path.  They fly to quickly and weren’t able to catch any on the camera.

About half way through the Green trail we crossed the Bunces Bridge.  This was a great break from the monotony of the long straight path we were on.  This section offered small docks that jetted into the river.  Here is where we saw some mallard ducks as well as a freaking BEAVER!!! It swam out from under the small dock and made a small trail in the water as it swam away.

We continued on the green trail till it merged with the Blue and we continued on the blue trail heading back down to the main entrance.

Thanks for reading!

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Till next week,

The Traveling TrashPandas

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